May 24 - June 25, 2005

UPDATE 11/17/2005:
Lots of additonal photos added!
Commentary coming soon.

To view the complete tour, start here.

Itinerary (PDF) - Our original itinerary. As you will see, we didn't follow it exactly due to circumstances beyond our control. Requires Adobe Reader.

Beijing - We spent a day at the start of our trip and another day at the end seeing the most famous sights around Beijing, including tombs, temples, The Forbidden City, and The Great Wall.

Urumqi - Our first point of entry into Xinjiang and home to a lovely museum.

Kargilik - A smaller city seldom visited by tourists. This section includes the drive from Kashgar to Kargilik as well as the drive to the start of our trek - and, of course, a visit to a local night club.

The Trek - Eleven trekkers, 28 camels, 16 days, 180 miles, 22,000 foot elevation gain, countless stories.

Kashgar - The legendary Silk Road city. See the animal market, the famous Sunday market, and the regional culinary delight, a whole roast sheep.

Turpan - The lowest and hottest point in China, site of many ancient ruins.

Xian - Home of the Terra Cotta Warriors.

Flora & Fauna - Photos of some of the many plants and animals we saw on our journey.

Photo Gallery - Larger versions of photos with links to printable versions. Many, many more to come. These were just a few that caught my eye while scanning through the 1,848 photos I took.

Maps - projections of satellite images with our routes superimposed.

Email me. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

 Copyright © 2005 Rick Rocheleau. All rights reserved.